Monday 31 October 2011

Rollercoaster Ride

This morning, Mama woke with excruciating stomach cramps -
almost as bad as when the stomach flu began last week.
After taking the meds and a nap, she seemed much better.

Vince took her to see the Urologist for her post-hospital checkup this afternoon -
it was originally scheduled for next week, but Cousin Doctor recommended
we move the appointment as soon as possible after the problem
with the dipping blood pressure.

So, what started out as a routine checkup
has now got Mama & Vince sitting at Hospital Admissions
waiting for a bed.
No beds, apparently.
And so, the long wait continues.

The Doc is concerned with the creatin levels in her bloodwork.
Might be connected with the diarrhea, might not.
Given how long her stomach issues have dragged on,
he wants her on antibiotics.
So, she will be admitted for observation
(read between the lines: they don't know what's wrong with her)
if, that is, they can find her a bed.

She is a little pissed off
but Vince thinks she's also relieved
as there is obviously something wrong with her
which hopefully can be fixed.

And so, we continue to wait.


The good news for Mama: all sign of stomach flu is gone.
The bad news: the foot is very very painful tonight.
Overall: I would have to say, much improved, although morale is quite low.

And I'm afraid I have contributed to this.
The Control Freak had a difficult afternoon and had a bad reaction.
Something to do with massage oils that stained fluorescent yellow
and smelled like sharp, pungent smelling salts that could very well wake the dead.
At the sight of sheets smeared and nostrils flaring,
I'm afraid I lost it.
No screaming or shouting, but I think my face said too much.

After struggling with a racing pulse and blood pressure threatening to sky-rocket,
I bested myself and was racked with guilt.
Are sheets and towels more important than a relationship?
Does soiled linen really warrant such a reaction?

After hiding in the girls' room for a time,
I braved it and tried to be an adult.

But I'm afraid the hurt was already inflicted.
I made her feel like she was a bother.
And another heart broke.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Today is Oct 30

So what? you might say.

Only that it is 2 more days before Nanowrimo starts
And my outline is not yet done
But I have my title
Does that make me feel any better?

Not much
The butterflies in the tummy are going crazy!