Tuesday 29 November 2011

NaNoWriMo Challenge Met

The past month has been nothing short of incredible.
In 28 days, I have miraculously:

·      completed a 1st draft of a novel
·      kept house to same degree of cleanliness & orderliness
·      put meals on the table
·      continued to homeschool at least 1 child

and through all this, hung on to my sanity, albeit by a thread.
All this with the support of a long-suffering husband
and my understanding daughters, of course.

Sound a bit like bragging?  Maybe. 
Truth be told, I do feel a little proud of myself.
More importantly, I have discovered that I have more in me than I knew.

Of late, a question that has flitted in and out of my consciousness is:
What does my life count for?

I now know why many parents live vicariously through their children. 
It is the wistful longing for more meaning in their lives.  
Our children are just starting out, full of promise, full of life.
We are winding down, and many of us have forgotten how to dream.
And so we want them to dream for us.
We pour everything into them
hoping for a second chance at life.

This month has tested my mettle
and I am exhilarated to find that I am not done dreaming.
There is a great deal I have left to do, can do,
to make my life count.

So, don't worry, girls,
looks like Mom can carry her own dreams for now.
Go ahead and dream your dreams!

Monday 14 November 2011

When will I know it all?

As a child, I was an inveterate question-asker.
Although, I've been told,
I would never stick around long enough for the answer
or answer the question myself, in the same breath.

One question I recall asking my father periodically was:
When will I know it all? when will I finish learning?

The looks of indulgence he shot me should have clued me in,
but little did I know.

I recall sometime in my 14th year
when revelation hit me, how disappointed I felt.
I will never learn it all, know it all.
Because the more I learn, the more I realize how much there is out there!

And if I knew then, what I know now...
Life will unfold as it may.
Just as one thinks we've got the the knack of it,
it slides away from under one's feet,
leaving one staring at the sky.

Which is not always a bad place to be.
Cloud-gazing is good for the soul.
Looking up allows us to rise above our circumstances
to dream and think happier thoughts.
The sky is only the limit
if the imagination acquiesces.     

What do you see up there?

Saturday 5 November 2011

Time for Tea

Taking time for a cup of tea and a sweet treat
is something we cherish in this household.
Tea time today was extra special.

This is what Mama had for tea today.
On so many levels, that is so excellent!

Firstly, she was hungry for tea.
Hopefully, this is a sign that her tastebuds are revitalising
and her appetite will improve.

Secondly, chocolate and hazelnut -
anti-oxidants and B-vitamins;
what a powerful combination for healing foods.

And lastly, food as a gift of love.
Thank you, Alvin & Sharon,
for blessing us with the goodies!

Good Day

Yesterday was a good day for Mama.
She ate fairly well,
she walked much better than we've seen in a while,
and she was up, alert and in good spirits for a large part of the day.

She is very tickled by your phone call, visits and well-wishes.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Mama's Home

Mama has returned much improved and fresh-faced - almost like she's been on a spa retreat!

Vince met with the Doc today and basically,
they don't know what caused the ruckus from the past week.
So, we are no smarter than we were before the hospitalization.

Having said this, Mama is walking better, eating better and generally, looking better.

And so, we move forward.
The Doc says that she is at Stage 4 Kidney Failure. 
At Stage 5 is when they recommend dialysis.
So, with diet management and medication, hopefully,
we can hold off that eventuality for a while.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Waiting Continues

Today was a day of waiting .... with no new information.

Lots of blood taken, many tests done ...
"Must wait for test results"
"Must wait for doctor to see results"
"You come tomorrow, la, and wait for doctor to tell you more"

Good news is, with the antibiotics and hydration drip,
Mama looks a lot fresher and colour has returned to her cheeks.
She is also eating better
(we sneaked in an egg sandwich this evening because she was hungry)
which is a very positive step forward.